Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cloud Color Observation

My observation for my environmental class, was on the color of clouds.  I learned that the sun has a lot to do with the color that a cloud has.  When clouds are bright white, is because the sunlight reflects form the water droplets within the clouds.  When clouds have different shades of gray-like color, it is usually do to another cloud's shadow and when it is very cloudy outside, the clouds cover the sun, which results in their gray color.  The best effect that the sun has on the color of the clouds, it mostly at sunset (sunrise also affects it, but I prefer the appearance on the clouds at sunset).  During my observation, I also noticed that on cloudy days, I my self tend to be in a not so productive mood, but on a sunny day with bright white clouds, I feel very happy and ready to work whatever it may be, (yard work, wash car, in house, etc.).  I learned this week in class about the water cycle and how critical it is to life on earth. This water cycle also has an affect on clouds. Just like plants are powered by energy from the sun, so is our water bodies (oceans, lakes, rivers, etc).  This is a cycle that with the sun's help it creates the processes of evaporation, precipitation, and transpiration. This is mother nature's way of  basically using the water bodies, cleaning them and putting it back on earth (kind of like how we recycle and reuses things).  These processes are affected by the human population, due to covering of land with new roads, new buildings, parking lots, etc, which increase the risk of flooding. Tis makes me wonder what other project is being thought of just around the corner?.  How many more Walgreens, CVS, McDonalds and gas stations will be build on a 2 mile radius?

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